Hello, and welcome to my chiropractic office

We are open and plan to remain so throughout this time of pandemic.
To protect your safety we have adopted the following measures:
1. We ask that anyone who has active symptoms (especially dry cough, fever and trouble breathing) stay home until they can be tested.
2. We have off-hours appointments. No staff is present and we schedule so the room and doctor can be thoroughly sanitized before and after the appointment. Anyone can ask, but patients with high risk conditions will be given priority.
3. We are spreading apart our normal appointments to allow more time to clean rooms and bathrooms.
4. We are cleaning the bathroom after each use.
5. We are closing our waiting room. Patients will be shown directly to the adjusting room
My name is Deborah Corbett. I studied chiropractic to help people get the best they can in both motion and freedom from pain. These days that often means a multidisciplinary approach with cooperation among several doctors, but it also means giving the patient the tools they need to handle their issues as independently as possible.
This is an area that can make or break quality of life. My mother had Parkinson's for many years and watching her determination to maintain whatever independence she could have, and seeing how much that mattered, has cemented my opinion that this is a tremendously important part of healthcare. With that in mind, I will always try to make my patients as self-sufficient as possible whether they need help with an acute injury, a chronic problem, or want to know what they can do to be healthy and strong.
I graduated from Logan College of Chiropractic in 1999 and accepted an apprenticeship under Dr. Joan Regan in 2005. In 2009 she allowed me to purchase her practice--the largest professional compliment I have ever received. She had always said that if she could not find the right person to carry on her methods she would close the practice.
The methods that Dr. Regan used incorporate Logan Basic and Diversified techniques in a head to toe, thorough assessment, and treatment that is designed to make sure nothing is missed and puts the tools for solving problems in the patients' hands.
If you would like to read what others have said about me and my office click on Testimonials above. If you want to know where we are, check out the map link below.
To know more about what chiropractors do or the safety of treatment please check out the articles linked above. I'm pretty happy with how they turned out and should answer many questions.
If you want to know if my office is the best fit for your needs, please consider calling us and asking to speak to me. Any prospective patient is entitled to my time.

My greatest joy in practice as a chiropractor is to find solutions for patients' problems. I look forward to finding out if I can help you.